When enrolling your child, you will need to provide a copy of your child’s immunization record, a copy of their last physical exam, and complete some essential paperwork, including medical forms, child information forms, and food program forms, among others. We will provide all necessary paperwork and assist you with any questions you may have. Please ensure that all documents are filled out promptly and returned to us. Upon enrollment, we will also provide you with a copy of our parent handbook. After you’ve had a chance to review it, we’ll schedule a meeting to discuss any questions or concerns. Finally, we will ask the child’s parent/guardian to sign a written agreement regarding fees, the child’s hours, and other pertinent details.

FUNdamentals Preschool Academy
Tips for Parents
Before you leave your child on the first day, it is wise to make a visit with the child during the regular daycare hours. Mornings are best since the children sleep in the afternoons. This way, your child gets to see what happens in daycare and gives them a chance to meet us and the other children. Even if your child is a toddler, it is a good idea to visit because you get to see how we interact with the children.
Meals & Snacks
We serve breakfast, lunch, and an afternoon snack each day as part of our preschool program. As required by the Department of Social Services, the breakfast we provide consists of milk, either juice, fruit, or vegetable, and a meat or bread product. The lunch we provide consists of meat, a bread product, a vegetable, a fruit, and milk. Each snack includes food or drink from two of the above-mentioned groups. You will find our menu posted on each classroom’s parent board. For our school-age students, we provide breakfast, lunch, and an afternoon snack when they are on vacation. When elementary school is in session, we provide breakfast before school and supper after school. Those meals meet all the nutritional components of the food pyramid.
FUNdamental’s Academy 2 week menu
Other Downloads
Contact us if you need help locating any downloads on our website or if you have any questions completing them. All paperwork should be completed promptly and returned to us.